Medical Device Pre-launch

Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)

Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)

Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) has revolutionised the healthcare industry. From AI helping with medical image scanning to software being used in apps, to help with clinical decision making. Understanding how SaMD is regulated is critical to its success when being launched as a product.

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Medical Device Life Cycle following the Plan, Do, Check, Action model. Used by patient guard to explain medical device design and development life cycle which start with medical device regulations, then standards, then design inputs, then risk management, then design outputs, prototypes, design verification and validation, manufacturing specifications and finally design history, before the cycle starts again at regulations.

Medical Device Design and Development

Planning for the design and development of a medical device is a requirement of regulatory systems. All manufacturers of Medical Devices are required to maintain a Quality Management System, in the USA this is determined under the CFR Title 21 part 820. Within the European Union, it is placed within demonstrating certificated compliance with international standard EN ISO 13485. The USA has recently indicated that they will also use the ISO 13485 standard for the requirements of manufacturers being compliant for QMS purposes. 

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medical device clinical evaluation.

Medical Device Clinical Evaluation

Medical device clinical evaluation is an essential part of regulatory compliance. Clinical Evaluation is a review of all the data that has been generated by the medical device manufacturer; pre-clinical, clinical and post market. The review of this data is performed to assess that the benefits of using the medical device outweigh the risks associated with using the medical device within the devices clinical intended purpose. 

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is my product a medical device?

Is My Product a Medical Device?

When developing a new and exciting product it can be hard to know if it might fall under specific regulations. This is usually the case with medical devices. The medical device industry is highly regulated worldwide. These regulations have specific criteria that determines if a product falls under the definition of a medical device. Therefore it is really important to evaluate your product to see if it might be in the scope of these medical device definitions for the regulation of the countries in which you wish to sell the product in. 

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Patient Guard Medical Device and IVD Regulatory and Quality Assurance consultancy

Medical Device Consultancy Companies

A medical device consultancy is a firm that offers specialized services for companies involved in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of medical devices. These consultancies typically have teams of experts who provide a wide range of services, from regulatory strategy to product development, quality management systems (QMS), and market access.

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Skin Irritation Testing

In Vitro Skin Irritation Testing: ISO 10993-23 Standard

Skin irritation occurs when a substance causes inflammation or damage to the skin upon contact. For medical devices, this can be a serious concern, as they are often in prolonged contact with the skin. The consequences of not adequately testing for irritation can range from minor redness to severe dermatitis, leading to discomfort, injury, or even infection in users. Therefore, reliable testing methods are crucial to ensure that products are safe before they reach the market.

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Cytotoxicity Testing in Medial Devices ISO 10993-5

Cytotoxicity Testing in Medical Device Biological Evaluation

In the highly regulated world of medical devices, ensuring patient safety is paramount. One of the essential components of this safety assurance is cytotoxicity testing, specifically adhering to ISO 10993-5 standards. This blog explores the importance of ISO 10993-5 cytotoxicity testing, particularly for medical devices that come into direct contact with patients, and how it contributes to the overall safety and efficacy of these devices.

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drug Infusion bag

Drug Stability in Medical Devices: Syringes, Infusion Sets and Bags

Ensuring the stability of drugs in contact with medical devices such as syringes, infusion administration sets and infusion administration bags is paramount. This article delves into the importance of drug stability testing, the challenges faced, and the methodologies employed to guarantee that the drugs administered through these devices remain safe and effective.

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E&L Testing in medical devices

Extractables and Leachables Testing for Medical Devices in ISO 10993

In medical device design and development and manufacturing, ensuring the safety and biocompatibility of products is paramount. As part of the biological evaluation process, extractables and leachables (E&L) testing plays a crucial role. This testing ensures that any chemicals that might migrate from the device materials into the body do not pose a risk to patients. The ISO 10993 standard series provides comprehensive guidelines for the biological evaluation of medical devices, including protocols for E&L testing. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of extractables and leachables testing, its procedures, and its relevance within the ISO 10993 framework.

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Ensuring medical device users can operate medical devices safely and easily is of vital importance to reduce user errors IEC 62366 provides a framework for medical device manufacturers to develop safe medical devices with the user in mind.

IEC 62366-1 Usability Engineering and its use in Medical Device Design and Development

In medical device design, the efficacy, safety, and user experience is paramount. While the technical function of a device is unquestionably significant, its usability can often determine its real-world impact. This is where standards like IEC 62366-1 come into play, offering a structured approach to integrating user-centred design principles into the development process. In this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the significance of IEC 62366-1, its underlying principles, practical implementation strategies, and the broader implications for medical device innovation and patient care.

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