EU Regulations

medical device post market surveillance.

Post Market Surveillance – Medical Devices

Post-market surveillance (PMS) is a pivotal aspect that governs the continued monitoring and assessment of medical devices after they have entered the market. Across the EU, UK, and USA, distinct regulatory frameworks shape PMS protocols, fostering safety, and innovation simultaneously.

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image of a blue circle with EU written in the middle and yellow stars all around the circle. This image represents the European Union (EU). The imaged is used by Patient Guard limited to highlight their EU Authorised Representative (EUAR) services and also to highlight areas on their website that cover EU regulatory requirements or news.

EU Authorised Representative

The EU Authorised Representative role for medical devices has existing since before the introduction of the Medical Device and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulations (EU MDR 2017/745 and EU IVDR 2017/746) were introduced in 2017 and was a requirement of their predecessors the medical device directives.

Since the MDR and IVDR Regulations were introduced the role of the EU Authorised Representative has become wider in scope and responsibilities.

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IVD regulatory consultancy offered by Patient Guard in relation to the IVDR 2017/745

In Vitro Diagnostic Regulations (IVDR) – EU 2017/746

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, in vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices are indispensable tools, providing invaluable insights into patients’ health conditions. With the introduction of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, commonly known as IVDR, the European Union has implemented stringent regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of these diagnostic instruments. As of May 26, 2022, this regulation has ushered in a new era, shaping the practices of manufacturers, healthcare professionals, and patients as they navigate the complexities of this comprehensive regulatory framework.

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EUDAMED - European Database on Medical Devices

EUDAMED: European Database on Medical Devices

EUDAMED stands for the European Database on Medical Devices. It is a secure, web-based platform established by the EU to collect, store, and disseminate information related to medical devices available in the European market. The primary objective of EUDAMED is to centralize and harmonize data on medical devices, manufacturers, and notified bodies throughout the EU member states. 

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Blood Pressure Cuff, scissors, syringe, stethoscope placed on a white background - Represents medical devices - image used by patient guard to represent subjects relating to medical device and IVD regulatory affairs and Quality Assurance.

Medical Device Start-up – is not applying a regulatory strategy early on costing more in the long run?

Starting a medical device company can be a stressful time, what with design and development activities, finding funding, ensuring you don’t run out of capital etc.

One very important area that is often not considered early enough is the regulatory side. Many medical device startup companies think that the regulatory activities don’t begin until the device has been developed and they often don’t realise the cost involved in ensuring that the medical device meets the safety requirements of the medical device regulations globally

Medical Device Start-up – is not applying a regulatory strategy early on costing more in the long run? Read More »

Image shows a Doctor in green scrubs with folded arms - This image is used by Patient Guard to describe its medical device and IVD regulatory and quality assurance related content.

What is the importance of medical device registration?

The main reason medical device registration is so important is safety. Ensuring that devices meet medical device regulations means that everyone involved can be confident that they are safe for their intended use. All medical devices are extremely important and can have life-saving capabilities. This means that devices must be working to their full potential.

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illustration of people with pencils in their hands writing on a large clipboard with the heading regulations on it - used by patient guard limited to discuss the topic of EU regulations and PRRC under article 15 in relation to medical devices and IVDS.

Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

Part of these new measures is the introduction of a Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC). Article 15 of regulations EU 2017/745 (MDR) and EU 2017/746 (IVDR), the legal requirements for the PRRC are presented.

They state that each manufacturer and authorised representative (if applicable) must have at their disposal a PRRC, who has the necessary requisite qualifications and experience for regulatory compliance.

Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC) Read More »

Medical Devices Classification - This is an illustration of a hand under an x-ray. The hand shows the bones of the hand. This image is used by patient guard to demonstrate an example of a class IIb medical device.

Medical Device Classification EU

In the EU Medical Devices are categorised into 6 classes, these are Class I, Class Is (sterile), Class Im (measuring), Class IIa, Class IIb and Class III.  

Class I devices are considered to be of low risk, Class II devices as medium risk and Class III devices as high risk. 

Depending on the classification of device determines the regulatory conformity pathway that needs to be taken to gain compliance and allow manufacturers to place product on the EU market. 

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